I have always been a bargain shopper, I like to stick to that approach when looking for accommodation during my travels. I use three websites (or the apps when on the go) to shop around for accommodation wherever we travel. These three sites give me the convenience, variety and flexibility I need as a traveler on the move.
AirBnb offers more intimate hosting experiences in bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, family homes and (my favorite) private apartments. There are extremely nice rentals on this site that offer the unique experience of living amongst local residents. I have enjoyed great stays in Central America, New York, as well as all over Europe using Airbnb, for weekend stays as well as month long experiences. I like to browse the listings using their amenities filter which allows you to book the best possible stay according to your needs. One of my favorite things about booking apartments with AirBnb is my desire to live in different areas, as opposed to visiting. By having my own apartment I am able to shop at local markets and cook using my newfound ingredients. I highly recommend Airbnb for those looking for an authentic experience wherever you visit. If you are interested in signing up for AirBnb, click here to save $25 off your first booking or just use referral code: acook5 before booking your first stay.
I will risk losing my backpacker’s card by admitting that I stay in hotels from time to time on my traveling adventures. After a long day of traveling sometimes we need a plush bed and luxurious shower that are not always available in hostels and bed and breakfasts. The hotels.com website is simple and user friendly and best of all, it’s instant. I have booked several hotel rooms ten minutes before arriving at the hotel and never had a problem. The option to pay with Paypal is also a major plus, avoiding the foreign transaction fees and security issues. Being a member of the site has great perks, they always alert me to good sales and their rewards program is definitely a plus for me. After staying ten nights, you get one night free (for the average price of your ten paid nights) anywhere in the world. Hotels.com offers a long list of hotels all over the world, from Panama City to Milan, I have used this site to find great hotels in both of those cities. Hotels.com is usually my second website to check after Airbnb,
Hostelworld is the best place to shop for hostels. Their variety and expansive catalogue are both impressive and useful. I always check out their site when heading to a new city or country to see the price range of hostels. Although hostels are known for their extremely low fares, I have found that they are not always the best option, especially since we travel as a couple. Hostels charge per person and the cheap rate they are known for requires sleeping in a dorm room on a single bed. We have tried this at two different locations, both times paying for two beds and preferring to cram into one (we are newlyweds, we never separate). After a while we decided that private rooms are just more comfortable for us. Go ahead, take my backpacker card, I admit to hating dorm rooms. I’m a city girl, my friends back home still get afraid when I mention the word hostel, instantly referring to the horror movie. That said, sometimes a hostel with raving reviews, a nice location and a great price is the best option. Hostels have a unique traveler atmosphere that allows you to meet other travelers and share backpacking stories. Solo travelers really enjoy hostels because it is very easy to meet new friends and potential travel companions.

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